Default March 21, 2021

TY Business

Good luck to the TY team with their entry ‘The Spice of Life’ in the National Enterprise Awards.

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All Ireland Linguistics Olympiad (AILO) 2021

This is a contest in which secondary school students develop their own strategies for solving problems in fascinating languages from around the globe. Oscar Despard finished 2nd and qualified to represent Ireland in the international competition. Well done also to Ian Farnan on a very impressive performance in the competition!

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Default February 24, 2021

Alliance Francais Language Debates

Congratulations to the team of Oscar Despard, Oscar Murphy, Theo Puech and Gerry Yang who beat Blackrock College in the semi final of the French Debating Competition. The team are now through to the final against Gonzaga College. Congratulations also to their teacher, Ms. Kubanyi.

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Default December 21, 2020

Winter Concert

Congratulations to all students who took part in our online Winter Concert. A special thanks to Mr. Murphy, Mr. Keogh and Mr. McGinn and all teachers in the Music Dept for their sterling work.

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