Garda Vetting

Section 12 of the Vetting Act 2016 places a statutory obligation on school authorities to obtain a vetting disclosure from the Bureau prior to the employment, contract, permission or placement of a person to undertake relevant work or activities with children or vulnerable persons.

​This applies to all students aged over 16.

As all of our TY students take part in Work Experience and Gaisce they may decide to undertake a placement with children or vulnerable adults. If they decide to do so they must go through the eVetting process once the reach the age of 16.

eVetting for TY Students

How it works

  1. Once they turn 16, students fill in the NVB1 form and parents/guardians fill in the NVB3 form. These forms are returned to the school.
  2. The school confirms the student’s identity and address and forwards the application to the JMB along with a cover letter confirming that the student attends Sandford Park School.
  3. JMB will email the student’s parent/guardian with a link to complete the eVetting process. N.B. Please note that the invitation will be generated from the following e-mail address [email protected]
  4. Students and parents/guardians complete the eVetting process online and submit it to the JMB. N.B. There is a timeline within which this action is to be completed, otherwise the vetting request will expire and the whole process will have to be started again from stage 1.
  5. The National Vetting Bureau will process the application and will issue a vetting disclosure to JMB who will forward it to the school.
  6. School will download the Vetting Disclosure and share the outcome with the applicant and keep it on file in a secure location.


Please find a link to both forms below: