History is a core subject for all students. In Forms I and II, the work of a historian and the ancient civilizations of the Celts and Romans are studied, along with the Renaissance, Explorations and the Reformation. Also the American, French, 1798, Agricultural and Industrial Revolutions are examined. Students complete a project on a subject of their choice. In Form III, Irish Independence, Northern Ireland and the World Wars are the themes of study.
History is again a core subject in Transition Year. The History modules are very much student oriented. Students are required to be very active in their learning. They are facilitated in the development of their research skills; they produce Powerpoint presentations on subjects of interest and work on research reports. Broad themes such as War and Peace, Apartheid and Racism develop the conceptual understanding of the student of today’s world.
History is an elective subject in senior cycle. Students complete the Leaving Certificate syllabus, studying Irish Independence and the formation of the state, Dictatorship and Democracy, and the U.S. and the world. They also do a documents module and complete a research module.
The Junior Cycle and Transition Year students have outings to historical locations in Dublin. Trips to explore Viking Dublin, the National Museum, Kilmainham Gaol and Collins Barracks help history come alive.
The Senior History Trip is an established part of school life. Recent trips include those to London, Berlin and, most recently, to Northern Ireland, while in the future, it is planned that the students will visit Dachau and Auschwitz.
Sandford Park also takes part in the History Teachers Association Annual Quiz every year in Spring. This is a very competitive and fun night.