May 25, 2022

Good luck to Ruairi Ferrie (2GOM)

Best of luck to Ruairi Ferrie in 2GOM for getting through to the Leinster Fleadh in Portlaoise with the Banjo. He will be competing again in July and we want to wish him the best of luck in the competition.

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May 16, 2022

Shakespeare in Love

Congratulations to all involved in the Sandford Park School Drama Society production of Shakespeare in Love. It was a huge success, selling out on all three nights. Well done all!

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May 9, 2022

Shakespeare in Love

Good luck to all those taking part in the Sandford Park School Drama Society production of Shakespeare in Love starting tomorrow night (May 10th) and running for 3 nights. Break a leg!

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Darkness Into Light 2022

Congratulations to all Sandford students, staff and parents who took part in this year’s Darkness Into Light in aid of Pieta House.

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